1. Love yourSelf like no-one else ever will.
2. Listen to your intuition. She knows her
3. Nobody will ever complete you.
That’s your job.
4. If you don’t go within, you’ll end up
going without.
5. How you treat yourSelf teaches them
how to treat you.
6. You can only meet others as deeply
as you've met yourSelf.
7. Fear blocks love. Always.
Love conquers fear. If you let it...
8. Your energy is your essence.
Choose wisely whom to share it with.
9. Embrace your feminine: she's powerful
beyond measure… you'll see.
10. There's no change without growth.
And there’s no growth without change.
11. You don’t attract what you want, you
attract what you (subconsciously)
12. Authenticity builds trust.
Vulnerability builds intimacy.
Love needs both to thrive.
13. Heal first, date second:
If you don’t heal from your past,
you'll keep bleeding on your future.